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Module 6 - Discussion_ Introduction to Anthropology

Module 6 - Discussion_ Introduction to Anthropology

Q As seen in Chapters 15 and 16, systems of inequality within and between nation-states have a long history, often stretching back into colonialism. Medical Anthropology examines the impact of inequality in the health individuals. In the video, "New Rulers of the World", John Pilger takes a look at the impact of global and local inequality on Indonesian citizens, especially poor sweatshop workers. Instructions: When you are done watching the video, answer the following questions: 1. According to the video, how did a country with so many natural resources like Indonesia come to have so many poor people? What role did the U.S. and other Western countries play in this? 2. In what ways are the sweatshop workers in the film who make our clothes victims of "structural violence"? (Hint: see Chapter 16) 3. What can we do to promote more equality and better health for the poor, for those who make our clothes, phones and grow the food we eat both here in the U.S. and in other countries? Support your answer with at least two (2) examples.

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The conditions in Indonesia are not unknown as there have been numerous such case studies and secret filming done in those congested sweatshops and the places the workers live in. The hitting part here is how despite so much awareness of violated code of conduct, the brands in the United States, is still allowing this to happen. Cheap labor does not mean exploitation, and definitely does not mean neglecting their health, working conditions, and right to proper wages and living. Indonesia used to be a rich nation with so many natural resources, but as much as that was a blessing, it also became their curse, as the United States and other western countries colonized them and exploited them